African Solidarity Campaign
Become a leading civil society movement to mining unity, solidarity and wellbeing of African people.
To address social and structural drivers of poverty and promote unity in diversity by building resilient communities
ü Love ü
Unity ü Honesty ü
Our Work at a Glance
African Solidarity Campaign activities, interventions and services are non discriminatory in dealing and in nature. As an panafricanist organization we strive to attend to the most marginalized and poorest as possible.
Please donate to our work
Your donation help to spread awareness on preventive measures and providing poor families and local hearth clinics with protective tools; Masks, hand washing soaps, information pages designed to help prevention. And again the donations shall also support poor and marginalized members of the communities; mainly AFRISOC beneficiaries’ families and aged people food hand outs.
Please donate and make a difference in someone’s life today.

African Solidarity Campaign
AfriSoC is a Panafrican non-profit organisation based in Richards Bay Kwazulu Natal South Africa, working to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts and/or disputes, combating any form of violence against women and children, discouraging any sort of discrimination and conflicts between communities. AfriSoC is registered under the department of social development with registration number: 235-967 NPO